Financial News Now - Your source for financial news that matters most


GOLD BULL MARKET: The Best Gold Stock You’ve Never Heard of… Yet!

Gold is back. After years of watching faltering starts and fizzling rallies, the gold market is at last showing the kind of strength we’ve been anticipating for the past five+ years.

The Final Frontier: The SPAC Capital Market Revolution Is Set to Flourish

SPACS are all the rage on Wall Street right now for a number of reasons, and all indications are that they will be around for a while.

It Is Nice Being Second to Gold; Silver Could Provide a Huge Impact to Investors’ Portfolios

Silver, the ‘white metal,’ has been referred to as the poor man’s gold, and more consciously and socially, as the silver medal in an event.

Revive Therapeutics, MindMed, Compass Pathways & Delic Corp Embark on Psychedelics MDMA, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin & Ketamine

Human technology and innovation have continually reached new heights since man first went into space…

How to Profit from the Tech Cold War With These 3 Semiconductor Stocks

As the U.S.–China intense techno-rivalry moves forward into overdrive, both countries want to protect and promote their national technology champions while still selling to each other...

Data is the New Oil: Why the Only Companies You Invest in Should Be Focused on Data, Period!

Ray Kurzweil has always been out there. Way out there... But then that’s the nature of the gig. He’s noted as an inventor and futurist and has made some stunning, if not entirely accurate...

COVID-19 Makes Plant-Based Alternatives More Appealing: Beyond Meat and Else Nutrition to the Rescue

The COVID-19 coronavirus has put food front and center. Sheltering in place has caused most of us to think about food differently.

The Best Way to Hedge Instability and the U.S. Dollar During COVID-19

In the postwar period through 2019, the federal government borrowed an average of 2.1% of GDP each year. With the $1.1 trillion deficit projected...

Could Inflation Be the Next Virus? Does Franco-Nevada and VanEck Merk Gold Provide a Win?

As encouraging as the recent market gains have been for investors with the S&P 500 up 30% from lows on March 23 as of today, big dramatic moves both up and down are a hallmark of stressed markets.

Three Junior Mining Stocks That Could Benefit from the Economic Challenges Stemming from COVID-19

With the global economic challenges stemming from the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, I feel more steadfast than ever that gold holds a lot of potential in these perilous times.
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