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How Does DeFi Help Crypto Traders Make More Money?

When you think of making money, you probably think of people day trading crypto or getting lucky and timing the market. In reality, there are a large number of ways to make money in cryptocurrency...

Why Are Some Altcoins Outperforming Bitcoin?

Institutional capital is flowing into Bitcoin (BTC) but the crypto ecosystem is dynamic and there are plenty of unique investment opportunities available.

Why Bitcoin (BTC) Is Becoming an Institutional Investors Game, and How You Can Benefit

Bitcoin is rapidly becoming an institutional investors game, and the knock-on effects could create a unique opportunity.

A Revolution in Liquidity and Transparency: How Blockchain Technology Is Transforming How We Invest

Buying a $10 million waterfront property or a museum-quality artwork seems out of reach for most. Typically, this kind of lavish purchase has only been available to the ultra-rich “one percent”…until now.

China vs. Facebook: The Cryptocurrency Race Has Begun

Everything changed on June 18, 2019, when Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) announced their cryptocurrency, called Libra.

The Best Thing to Happen to Bitcoin: Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

Most people can’t scroll through Twitter or open their inbox without being inundated with think pieces and “hot takes” about Facebook’s...

Massive News for Crypto Adoption as Facebook Enters Financial Services Sector

The day has FINALLY come. After months (and even years) of speculation, Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) officially released the whitepaper for Libra.

The Top 10 Reasons Why Crypto Isn’t Dead!

There is no denying that Bitcoin had a rocky year last year. The price was $9,800 in May of 2018, and dropped to $3,900 10 months later. What was once euphoria about cryptocurrency and its infinite…

Bitcoin Market Cycles and Price Swings – What You Need to Know

On January 1, 2017, a single Bitcoin (BTC) cost $997.69. On December 31, 2017, that same Bitcoin cost $13,860.14, and 6 months later $7,518.24.
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