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It Is Nice Being Second to Gold; Silver Could Provide a Huge Impact to Investors’ Portfolios

Silver, the ‘white metal,’ has been referred to as the poor man’s gold, and more consciously and socially, as the silver medal in an event.

Could Inflation Be the Next Virus? Does Franco-Nevada and VanEck Merk Gold Provide a Win?

As encouraging as the recent market gains have been for investors with the S&P 500 up 30% from lows on March 23 as of today, big dramatic moves both up and down are a hallmark of stressed markets.

Three Junior Mining Stocks That Could Benefit from the Economic Challenges Stemming from COVID-19

With the global economic challenges stemming from the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, I feel more steadfast than ever that gold holds a lot of potential in these perilous times.

Gold Is Not Going to US$10,000 an Ounce Any Time Soon but the Economic Seeds Are Being Sown for an Extended Bull Run

Whenever gold starts to go on a run, you see no shortage of gold bulls proclaim very positive...

Cobalt Prime for Investor Entry: Demand Is Anticipated to Reach All-Time Highs

You may not realize it, but I’m willing to bet that lithium-ion batteries are an essential part of your life. Without them, your smartphone would...

Platinum vs. Palladium: Which Strategic Metals Should You Buy?

In times of high uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil, many investors look to invest in safe havens such as US government bonds or gold. You don’t have to look far today to see potential...

Investing in the Age of US-China Rivalry

One can debate the political tactics but the idea of purchasing Greenland may be just the kind of big thinking America needs in this new age of US-China rivalry.

Three Gold Mining Streaming and Royalty Stocks that Could Give You Oversized Returns

With economic indicators signaling an imminent end to the stock bull market and turn of the business cycle to safer assets such as gold...

The Safest, Most Profitable Way to Get in on Today’s Gold Boom

After its multiyear slumber in the shadow of the stock bull market, gold could be set to enter a long-term rally.

Profit From the US-China Cold Economic War

In February, I discussed the role of China and rare metals and rare earths. You can read my article here. Since then, one of the stocks I recommended, Lynas Corporation has soared.
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